Science article Finnish scientists take important step within stem cell-based disease models Malin Otmani April 12, 2023
Science article She receives the Göran Gustafsson award in Molecular Biology Malin Otmani March 14, 2023
Science article Icelandic study changes the definition of multiple myeloma precursor condition Howard Bennett February 1, 2023
Science article Science Q&A: Does evolution have a built-in preference for symmetry? Howard Bennett January 24, 2023
Science article 7502 Views The undervalued endocrine system Chris Tachibana December 25, 2017 Insulin, tamoxifen, EPO – just…
Science article 4590 Views “Love Chemistry” aims to highlight chemistry as an industry of the future Malin Otmani December 11, 2017 The Science Center Universeum in…
Science article 3037 Views Spinning silk – without the spiders Chris Tachibana October 12, 2017 Spider silk proteins have medical…
Science article 3923 Views Boosting CHO cell production with a systems approach Chris Tachibana July 7, 2017 A new public resource for…
Science article 3666 Views Y chromosome loss links to cancer and Alzheimer’s Chris Tachibana December 19, 2016 Men have a shorter lifespan…
Science article 6054 Views Making a malaria protein to kill cancer cells Chris Tachibana August 10, 2016 While developing a malaria vaccine…
Science article 2908 Views Older and wiser about cancer Chris Tachibana August 1, 2016 The population of Northern Europe…
Science article 2603 Views Finding global biodiversity in your town Chris Tachibana April 6, 2016 Zoos are a research treasure,…
Science article 3408 Views Catching an enzyme in the act of catalysis Chris Tachibana January 2, 2016 Previously invisible enzyme structure revealed…
Science article 4616 Views The epigenetic effects of exercise Chris Tachibana November 16, 2015 Karolinska Institute researchers find that…
Science article 2376 Views The quest for funding Anneli Hidalgo March 19, 2013 Applying for grants is part…
Science article 6454 Views Of chicken and men Chris Tachibana January 1, 2013 Research on chicken chromosomes reassures…