Agreement Aqilion enters licensing and research collaboration with Merck Malin Otmani February 20, 2023
Agreement Bristol Myers Squibb and Karolinska University Hospital enter collaboration Malin Otmani January 17, 2023
Agreement 1518 Views Sectra signs deal with British hospital Anneli Hidalgo August 20, 2013 Spire Roding Hospital, part of…
Agreement 1729 Views Neurovive and Isomerase enter agreement Anneli Hidalgo June 17, 2013 Mitochondrial medicine company Neurovive Pharmaceutical…
Agreement 1843 Views Turku Science Park in new agreement Anneli Hidalgo June 10, 2013 Turku Science Park has signed…
Agreement 1676 Views Novo Nordisk in new agreement Anneli Hidalgo April 28, 2013 Novo Nordisk teams up with…
Agreement 2791 Views Genovis in new agreement Anneli Hidalgo March 27, 2013 Swedish Genovis AB recently announced…